It may be a gray and chilly day outdoors, there is even talk of a little snow on the way, but I'm sitting inside feeling pretty happy at the moment.
This weekend, Oct.28-30, Shambhala Publications will be offering an online retreat called Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change with Pema Chodron , a wonderful and inspirational teacher.
Thanks to Heather's thoughtful sharing at Beauty That Moves and the generous people at Shambhala Publications, I will be in attendance! Thanks so much for making this happen Heather, I'm so looking forward to the workshop!
It seems that only yesterday I was looking at this summery view from my kitchen window, but in reality, it's been weeks since this picture was taken.
Autumn is here now and although we've been enjoying warm, summer-like weather for the most part, the signs of the changing season are unmistakable and beautiful as always.
For any of you who check in on my blog from time to time, please forgive my recent absence here. I've been thinking a lot about what it is I have to offer on the
blogosphere and needed to take a little time out to look around, learn, and enjoy the blogs of others for a bit.
I've been doing a lot of walking recently, well, as much as time will allow, and have become quite familiar with a forty-five minute walk up and around the loop in Camden .
Starting out early is best, the ocean air is cool and fresh and sharing the road with other early walkers and runners makes for a happy feeling.
The other day when I arrived for my walk I found the harbor to be quite 'socked in' by 'pea soup', as they say, though not of the old London smog variety. I'm glad I had my camera with me.