Friday, January 20, 2012

Remembering the Green

It hasn't been long since the forest floor looked like this, with an obvious absence of the white stuff called snow that now covers everything.

Seeing all the beautiful green moss on that day suddenly reminded me of a terrarium I'd made years ago when I was living in a college dormitory my freshman year. My little terrarium was a low budget  operation, made with found items and plants gathered from the surrounding woods, but it was beautiful in its way. The plants lived and flourished all through that cold winter and even longer if my memory serves me.
So, skipping ahead a few years (ahem) to the fall day in the picture here, I decided then and there to make another terrarium and gathered some moss, lichens, wintergreen and partridge berry. Here is what came to be!

 There are many types of terrariums and they can be made quite easily if you would like to make one. There are lots of sources online for instructions and I'd be happy to answer any questions if you have any.  Try this out, you might be surprised at what good medicine lifting that lid can be for someone who is already beginning to long for springtime. 


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