Saturday, April 9, 2011

Crocus Arrival

The arrival of spring crocuses in my garden always catches me by surprise. The last time I went out to check on them they weren't up yet, so when I visited the garden again today I wasn't expecting to see them. True to form, there they were, in full bloom. I love them dearly.

Edit: If you happen to be visiting today and things appear to be changing a bit, they are, it's just me doing a little experimenting with the settings. I really do have to leave this for another time, it's a beautiful day outdoors and I don't want to miss it!


  1. mine are up too!! Spring is the best!!

  2. I went out to see them again today, they were in full bloom, so pretty in the sunshine...everything else around them was still dormant. Nice to hear from you Ceil!

  3. Thanks for popping over! Your illustrations are just lovely. And we are waiting for blossoms here in CT. There are crocus, snowdrops and grape hyacinths...but no green grass or sprouting trees yet.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you Karen for your nice comment. Yes, it is so nice to see the signs of spring at last, looking forward to seeing more of them! Thanks for stopping by!
